A vast number of leaders within Força Foundation also coach boys' football teams applying our methodology just as when working with girls. We firmly believe that boys need leaders that empower them both on and off the football field, just as girls do. Furthermore, since the norms and expectations that society puts on boys and men are one of the root causes for the structures that prevent girls and women from accessing equal rights and opportunities, addressing these are key in empowering girls. Therefore, for any effort towards changing social norms around gender equality to be effective, it requires involving boys and men as well as girls, women and non-binary individuals. This is why we view our work with enabling change within local communities as one of the most important aspects of what we do.
However, our core work focuses on empowering girls directly, and if we were to shift our focus - and resources - from girls to boys, to work directly with boys as well, we would become a part of the structure that we are striving to change. Therefore, we only work directly with girls, but with leaders that empower boys on the way by coaching boys' teams as well as girls' teams, and through their work within their local community engaging girls' family members and others in the local community, predominantly men and boys, to play a vital role in changing social norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential within football and in society in general.